Just as God judged the world with water during the days of Noah, God will surely judge this world with fire. And if there is just one reason for God to destroy this world, it would be for its spiritual chaos and apostasy. During the days of Noah, the sons of God saw the beauty of the daughters of man and took them as their wives. Because they had thrown away the spiritual truth in the process, the Spirit of God could no longer be with them. Thus, destruction came to those living in this world. The same tragedy will again occur in this age: God the Holy Spirit cannot work together with believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit if they were to unite and work together with the Evangelicals who have as yet not received the remission of their sins.
In Genesis 7:2-3 God told Noah the exact number of animals that should be brought into his Ark, “You shall take with you seven...
In Noah’s days, this world was filled with so much wickedness, foolishness, and filthiness that God could not leave the sinful world alone. So...
Looking at the faithless generation that did not believe in God’s righteousness, our Lord said that He would wipe out this world. When we...